Suppose I should introduce myself and explain the purpose of this site. In my spare time I have been working on many side projects and including an ecommerce site with social media aspects. I am beginning to become more and more interested in ecommerce and the psychology of the sale as well as the effect social media has on a sale – what works and what doesn’t. During the day, I am a web professional with 8+ years experience in website development, SEO (search engine optimization), marketing and corporate web-based systems. I am currently employed in a technology company in which part of my job is to evaluate and implement corporate wide business systems at the lowest cost, that provide maximum ROI – likely, a common request industry wide. The other part of my job is to provide support to the company’s marketing department, mainly in support of the public website. With that said I spend a large amount of time evaluating and exploring new web-based technologies. This does not make me an expert in any one specific area which leads me to the purpose of this blog.
The point of this site is two fold. First I am looking to use this as a reference piece for myself (fine tune my communication skills) as well as help others who are interested in the topics I write about. Second, since completing my Masters degree a year ago (half of which was taken on-line) I am interested and excited to discuss technology and theory with others.
The items I post will always allow for comments but I do hold the write to moderate if vulgar or completely off topic. In general I am interested in the conversation. Also, posts will always be referenced with links for sources. Any critiques on the site are solely my option based on my usage or understanding of the technology or service so please correct me if I am wrong and don’t sue me (not that I have that much). Of course any comment on this site is not in anyway tied to my current employer or represent them or their views.
Thank you for reading.